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Search for: Remedy Name (e.g. Arnica montana), Synonyms (e.g. Nux vomica), product number (e.g. 9001366), family (e.g. Nosode), Scholten No. (e.g. 665.24.08). In our green bubbles you will see the respective main names of our products.

Farmacia d'emergenza Walter Glück 1g 40 pc

Farmacia d'emergenza Walter Glück 1g 40 pc

Ideal for first aid if the remedy should be administered immediately. Not for self-medication, use only after consultation of a homeopathic doctor.

Unfortunately the book accompanying this homeopathic first-aid-kit is only available in German .

This set consists of 27, 40, or 72 remedies in globule form with a packaging size of 1g per remedy. Each remedy is protected against external damages through safety packaging and will last years.

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incl. 10% IVA
Farmaci in questo set
Nome del farmaco Versione A
27 Farmaci
Versione B
40 Farmaci
Versione C
72 Farmaci
Acidum arsenicosum C 200
C 200
C 200
Acidum phosphoricum C 12
C 12
Aconitum napellus C 200
C 200
C 200
Ammonium chloratum C 12
Anamirta cocculus C 12
C 12
C 12
Apis mellifica C 12
C 12
C 12
Arisaema triphyllum C 12
Arnica montana C 200
C 200
C 200
Atropa bella-donna C 12
C 12
C 12
Bellis perennis C 200
C 200
Bryonia C 12
C 12
Calendula officinalis C 200
C 200
C 200
Camphora C 12
Carbo vegetabilis C 30
Causticum Hahnemanni C 12
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