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Vassoio con tirante

Vassoio Loop per 3 x 28 pz 1,5 ml provette di vetro, grigio

Vassoio Loop per 3 x 28 pz 1,5 ml provette di vetro, grigio

  • tray has 3 rows of 18/28 elastic loops
  • Versions for 1 ml Remedia tubes or 1,5 ml glass vials
  • Fits into the wooden case lid
  • Ideal for stacking remedies in drawers or bags
  • Dimensions: 30,5 x 22,5 cm
  • tray has 3 rows of 28 elastic loops
  • Fits 84 glass vials (1,5 ml)
  • made from gray suede
incl. 20% IVA
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