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Key Ring Bag with Mini Remedy Kit

portachiavi per medicinali 3 pc 1g rosso, pieno

portachiavi per medicinali 3 pc 1g rosso, pieno

This key ring mini kit for emergencies is available in several colours and contains three of the most popular remedies.

  • Even with a lot of wear and tear the leather case will remain rigid and protect the remedies.
  • Three vials filled with remedy globules of size 3 (about 130 each).
  • Arnica montana C30 1g
  • Apis mellifica C30 1g
  • Hypericum perforatum C30 1g

We also offer a key ring case with empty vials to be filled individually. A very convenient way to carry your daily remedies!

incl. 10% IVA
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